Cancer Education and Cervical Cancer Screening

These video-based tutorials are created so as to enable the Medical and Para-medical staff to impart cancer education to the general population. The training involves ten modules with sections mainly focused on conducting cancer awareness and cervical cancer screening with VIA. This also involves modules with special focus on collecting Pap smears and HPV samples for testing. Other modules such as methods of approaching community are included to benefit trainees that are involved in population-based cancer awareness and screening. Modules on principles of data management are important whether the intent is to conduct a service programme or a research trial. These video-based tutorial training needs to be combined with practical hands-on training in order to develop clinical skills. The training is essential whether one intends to initiate clinic-based cancer awareness and screening or community-based awareness and screening.

Course Coordinators: Dr. Gauravi Mishra, Dr. T S Shylasree, Dr. Santosh Noronha.